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How to confirm your order

You are able to confirm the order record from the order history page and the email with the title of ‘ご注文内容の控え(We have received your order)’.
*Sold out, canceled, or failed orders due to payment errors, they will not be shown on the order history, please confirm the details from the email.

For orders which have not yet been dispatched from the vendor within one year after you ordered, they will be canceled automatically.
If you wish to purchase, please contact and confirm with the vendor before your place your order.

How to confirm the order history

After ordering, you are able to confirm orders which have not yet been dispatched from the ‘未出荷’ tab.

1. Click 購入履歴(Order history) on the top of the page.

2. You are able to see the order details, please confirm the order information.
*It may take some time for the order details to be reflected.

Confirm order details from email

You are able to confirm the order record from the email with the title of ‘ご注文内容の控え(We have received your order)’.

Credit card error

You are able to confirm the failed order with payment error from the email with the title of ‘ご注文エラーのお知らせ(Notification of the order error)’.
We cannot provide the details of the error, please kindly confirm the error code in the email and inquire of the credit card company directly.

Sold out item

You are able to confirm the failed order with payment error from the email with the title of ‘完売による注文キャンセルのご連絡.
(Notification of the cancellation of the order due to sold out)’.

About additional order and combine shipping

After ordering, if you wish to place a new order and ship together, please contact the vendor directly and request about it.

Cancellation after the order has been confirmed

After the order has been confirmed, order cancellation will be handled by the vendor.
Please kindly confirm the trading regulations and the notice before you purchase.
There is a possibility that the order cannot be canceled if it has already been preparing for shipping.
For inquiries regarding order cancellation, please contact the vendor directly.
After the order has been canceled, you are able to confirm the failed order with payment error from the email with the title of ‘キャンセルを承りました(Your order will be canceled.)’.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
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